The principles of Restorative Practice are implemented at Bayswater Primary School and promote respect for every member of our school community, encouraging responsible behaviour and actions and ensuring that personal pride and dignity is maintained.
Restorative Practice not only help to heal and repair harm, but put in place ways of building and developing the social and emotional literacy of people so they are better able to express themselves, relate well with others and deal with conflict when it arises.
Social and Emotional Literacy is part of the teaching program and the school has many and varied resources and activities that teachers use with their students. The Circle, as outlined in our Restorative Practice parent guide, is used in classrooms to foster community, give every student a voice, share thoughts and feelings, give opinions, resolve issues and problem solve.
Throughout our daily routines, we implement Restorative Practice to build teacher understanding and capacity to ensure it becomes part of daily practice. We distribute a Restorative Practice parent guide to all families every year. We provide parent education to build shared understanding and to optimise benefits to the students by strengthening the partnership.
Our student code of conduct, which is distributed to all families, supports the understanding that bullying, including cyber-bullying, violence, property damage, inappropriate language and disrupting the learning of other students is unacceptable.
We offer support for students, parents/carers and teachers with our social worker, speech therapist and guidance officer who attend our school on a regular basis.